gcLi Leadership Podcast
gcLi Leadership Podcast
Actress Emily Procter: Creating Leadership in Prisons
Todays guest is literally a star. Her roles on the West Wing and CSI Miami have brought her the fame many young girls dream of but in the world of the gcLi today’s guest is a star leader.
In June of 2019 Emily started a program at Kern Valley State Prison called The Ground.
The Ground programs on yard C, otherwise known as the Sensitive Needs Yard. Sensitive needs is used to describe a myriad of conditions, higher level mental illness, sexual predators, former law enforcement, disassociated gang members, trasnsgender persons. It is a yard of mismatched individuals, as such there is potential for great discourse as well as deep personal growth.
Today she’ll share with us how she started this work and some of the lessons we can take back to our schools, communities and families.
Emily interviews Ian Villatoro and Quan Huynh, two formerly incarcerated Defy Ventures program graduates and current staff members. Quan and Ian share their experiences inside prison about how they used their prison time in isolation to create new personal narratives. See video below.
YouTube Emily Procter The Ground
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