gcLi Leadership Podcast
The Gardner Carney Leadership Institute's, (gcLi) mission makes clear that there is an inextricable connection between leadership and citizenship. We are committed to the idea that leadership must be cultivated. The healthy, effective, and benevolent functioning of classrooms, sports teams, schools, local communities, and entire nations depends upon it. Leadership is an active struggle, an exercise of character and values, a willingness to be in dialogue with diverse viewpoints, an ability to take risks and to engage wholeheartedly and uncomfortably with groups. To do it well, one must be willing to be in a lifelong journey to become more self-aware. In short, the path to leadership and thus to citizenship consists of all the skills and behaviors that the gcLi has taught since its inaugural Leadership Lab 2005. In my view, never has such training been more relevant. gcLi's Mission: Educating Teachers to Teach Leadership to Students.
88 episodes
The Power of Assuming Good Intent With Andrew Prince
In this conversation, Andrew Prince, gcLi Faculty, discusses the importance of assuming good intent in leadership and education. He emphasizes that understanding the context of indiv...

Empowering Student Leadership Through Educators
The idea for this podcast was born, based on the wisdom of a 20-year-old document. In this episode of the gcLi podcast, podcast host, Berdy and gcLi's Leadership Blog editor,

Embracing the New Year: Leadership Reflections with Katherine Berdy
In this episode, host, Katherine Berdy, reflects on the New Year and shares actionable steps for improving leadership outcomes in 2025. She discusses the importance of reflection, fe...

Jeremy LaCasse Turning the Tide on Phone Use in Schools
In this conversation, the gcLi Leadership Podcast discusses the challenges and changes surrounding phone use in educational settings. Jeremy LaCasse, gcLi Executive Directer and

REBROADCAST: Dysregulation With Catherine Steiner-Adair ED.D
Rebroadcasting gcLi's Institute Scholar, Catherine Steiner-Adair's Dysregulation. Today's episode comes at a time when emotions are running high across the United States of Amer...

A Love Letter To Teachers From Berdy And The gcLi
In this heartfelt message, Berdy, gcLi Faculty, podcast producer and host, expresses deep gratitude and admiration for teachers, highlighting their vital role in shaping future leaders and ...

Kelsey Twist Schroeder Ed.D: Recognizing Student Leadership Today
In this conversation, Kelsey Twist Schroeder, gcLi Faculty member, discusses her insights on leadership, particularly focusing on the perspectives of young people. She emphasizes the...

The Role of AI as a Tool in the Classroom
In this conversation, Rishi Raghunathan, gcLi Faculty, discusses how the Wellington School in Columbus, Ohio is approaching the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. The school ...

Challenges and Benefits of Different Models of Co-Teaching
In this conversation, Sara Viveiros discusses her research on co-teaching as part of her graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education. She explores different models of co-teaching and their impact on student pe...

gcLi Virtual Program October 2024 Dates
the gcLi virtual program is now open for registration. So if you want a refresher from the gcLi Leadership Lab, or if you want to just dabble in some of the content that we provide, that we call the Pedagogy of Leadership, then this program is ...

Welcome Back to a New School Year with Berdy
For me, a new school year is a renewal of sorts.A time to reflect on what works, what doesn't. And then my favorite things to do, is charting the paths and plans to get students where they need to be in an engaged classroom. I love making...

Implementing Concepts for Freshmen Students
Jennifer Siff, Director of Campus Life at the Salisbury School, shares her experience as a participant and scholar at the gcLi Lea...

Differentiating Traits and Skills in Leadership
Danielle Llewelyn, this year's gcLi scholar, discusses her experience with the Leadership Lab and the importance of teaching leadership skills. She highlights the valu...

Andrew Prince, gcLi Faculty, Discusses The History and Significance of Juneteenth
Centering joy is important in the context of Juneteenth and racial justice, educators have an obligation to promote racial and social justice and building relationships and learning from mistakes are crucial in this work. The history and signif...

Meet The gcLi's Newest Grant Recipient, Laura Renard
Laura Renard is this year's gcLi Leadership Grant Recipient and will pursue a master's in school leadership at the University of Pennsylvania and ho...

Student Initiatives and the Power of Storytelling
In this conversation, Berdy interviews Beth Dille, the Director of the C. Kyser Miree Ethical Leadership Center at the Altamont School. They discuss the Miree Center and its unique approach...

The Birth Of The gcLi And The Leadership Lab
Jeremy LaCasse, Executive Director of the gcLi and Mike Pardee, former gcLi faculty member and current Director of gcLi Research, reflect on 20 years of the gcLi Leadership Lab.Let's go back to 2003. The gcLi is in its infan...

Changing The Brain From The Bottom Up
Somerville Johnston is a licensed somatic experiencing practitioner and founder of Aspen Roots Collective out of Asheville, North Carolina.Somatic experiencing is a mo...

The 20th Anniversary With Natalie Simms: Feedback Is A Gift And An Opportunity For Growth
Dr. Natalie Simms reflects on 20 years of the gcLi and discusses its evolution and relevance in leadership education. The gcLi has become more inclusive of roles within indepen...

Catherine Steiner-Adair Discusses Dysregulation What Causes It & How To Fix It
In this conversation, Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair, Institute Scholar, gcLi, discusses the impact of world affairs on emotional dysregulation and the challenges faced by teacher...

Celebrating 20 years of the Leadership Lab With Rishi Raghunathan
Rishi is Faculty, gcLi and Head of Upper School, Wellington School, Columbus, OH. He talks about his experience at the Leadership Lab....

Katherine Berdy: The gcLi And Its Programs
I want to share a brief personal story about how the gcLi has added value to my career and I guess more importantly to my life and remind you of the gcLi programming that is offered this year.

Celebrating 20 years of the gcLi with Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair
Welcome to an episode that celebrates 20 years of the Gardner-Carney Leadership Institute. These 20th anniversary episodes will be fun and informative. As you listen, I invite you to think back to the year 2004. What were you doing and ho...