gcLi Leadership Podcast

Emily Ihrke: Leadership Takeaways

Season 2 Episode 213

If you’re going to the gcLi Leadership Lab  this summer, listen up.  This episode, featuring Emily Ihrke, will prime the pump for loads of learning at the lab.  Specifically, you’ll hear about how one school’s journey to create an ethical leadership program and in the process created a culture of leadership.  If you are new to the gcLi, you’ll enjoy hearing about some of the memorable phrases and mantras that speak to the heart of the Pedagogy of Leadership®.  Speaking of heart, today’s guest has a big one.  Her palpable spirit for leadership education is infectious, hence her success as the co-founder and co-leader of the Ethical Leadership Center at the University School of Milwaukee, which is also a gcLi Leadership Academy school! When she’s not codesiging and leading leadership initiatives and professional development at USM, see busy teaching high school English or leading a as a gcLi small group facilitator.

                                      University School Milwaukee        Emily Linkedin

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